Sunday, December 29, 2019

Welcome to 2020

For the previous three years we have posted questions each week based on a schedule of reading through the Bible each year.  The purpose of the questions is to encourage readers to think about what they were reading.  The purpose of personal Bible study is to hear what God is saying to you.

2 Timothy 3:16-17 says, "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work."  If you want to be thoroughly equipped you need a habit of personal Bible study.  We will not be posting questions weekly in 2020, but we welcome you to use any of the questions from the three previous years to help you in your personal Bible study.

Study questions for 2019 start here:  These questions were based on weekly readings that included 5 New Testament chapters each week and some chapters from the Old Testament and Psalms.

2018 starts here:  These questions were based on daily readings that each included some Old Testament and either Psalms or New Testament.

2017 starts here:  These questions were based on weekly readings from the Old Testament, Psalms, and the New Testament.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Week 52, December 22 - 28, 2019

New Testament
Matthew 25
  • In the parable of Matthew 25:1-13, five virgins were prepared with oil.  Jesus calls them wise.  He calls the other five foolish for not having oil with them.  He concludes the parable saying, "Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour."  What is He telling us to do?
  • What was wrong with the thinking of the man who hid his bag of gold in Matthew 25:24-25?
  • In Matthew 25:40 Jesus said, "Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me."  What opportunities do you have to do something for the "least of these"?
Matthew 26
  • Why did the disciples think it was a "waste" when the woman poured expensive perfume on Jesus?
  • Was Peter sincere in Matthew 26:35 when he said, "Even if I have to die with you, I will never disown you"?
  • Jesus told His disciples, "Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation."  (Matthew 26:41)  Why couldn't they stay awake?
Matthew 27
  • Why did Judas hang himself?
  • How did Pilate's wife know that Jesus was innocent?
  • Why did the curtain in the temple tear in Matthew 27:51?
Matthew 28
  • What did the angel tell the women in Matthew 28:5-7?
  • What were the guards paid to say to explain the disappearance of Jesus' body?
  • What did Jesus tell His disciples to do in Matthew 28:19-20?  What responsibility do you have for making disciples?
  • In verse 3, Jude urges believers to "contend for the faith."  What does this mean and how do you do it?
  • In verse 4 what two things is Jude warning about that were brought by people who had "slipped in among" Christians?
  • Jude says in verses 20 and 21, "by building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in God’s love."  How do you build yourself up in the faith?
Old Testament
Zechariah 1 - 14, Malachi 1 - 4
  • In Zechariah 1:3 what did God say He would do if the people would return to Him?
  • In Zechariah 2:4 why did the angel say that Jerusalem would be a city without walls?
  • God said, "I will remove the sin of this land in a single day." (Zechariah 3:9)  How would He do that?
  • God told Zerubbabel in Zechariah 4:6, "Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit."  Zerubbabel was the governor of Judah (see Haggai 1:1).  How would this instruction affect the way Zerubbabel governed the people?
  • What was the purpose of the scroll Zechariah saw in chapter 5?
  • Kings of Judah had always been descendants of David from the tribe of Judah.  Priests were descendants of Aaron from the tribe of Levi.  What is the significance in Zechariah 6 of a crown being placed on the high priest and the statement in verse 13, "And he will be a priest on his throne. And there will be harmony between the two"?
  • The people of Judah had been fasting for many years to commemorate the destruction of Jerusalem.  Since it was being rebuilt, the people asked Zechariah whether they should continue to fast in the fifth month (Zechariah 7:3).  God's answer is in chapters 7 and 8.  What is more important than fasting?
  • In what way did Zechariah 9:9 say a king would enter Jerusalem?
  • What promises are made in Zechariah 10:9 to the scattered people of Israel?
  • Who was paid 30 pieces of silver in Zechariah 11?  What did they do with it?
  • In Zechariah 12 God promises to make Jerusalem strong.  What reason is given in verse 5 for this strength?
  • What is the fountain described in Zechariah 13:1?
  • Zechariah 14:9 says, "The Lord will be king over the whole earth. On that day there will be one Lord, and his name the only name."  When will this be fulfilled?
  • In Malachi chapter 1, why was God opposed to people offering blemished animals in sacrifice?
  • In Malachi 2:15 and again in 2:16 God says "be on your guard."  Who is He speaking to and how would a person obey the command?
  • Why did God accuse Israel of robbing Him in Malachi 3?
  • What does Malachi 4:5-6 say Elijah will do?
Psalms 148 - 150
  • Who is urged to praise the Lord in Psalm 148?
  • Psalm 149:5 says, "Let his faithful people rejoice in this honor and sing for joy on their beds."  Why would a person sing for joy on their bed?
  • Who is urged to praise the Lord in Psalm 150?

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Week 51, December 15 - 21, 2019

New Testament
Matthew 20
  • What is the point of Jesus' parable in Matthew 20:1-16 where people are hired at various times during the day but paid the same at the end of the day?
  • In Matthew 20:25-27 how is Christian leadership meant to be different from the "rulers of the Gentiles"?
  • When the two blind men were shouting for mercy, why did the crowd want them to be quiet (Matthew 20:31)?
Matthew 21
  • Why did Jesus choose to ride into Jerusalem on a donkey?
  • Why would Jesus cause a fig tree to wither?
  • In Matthew 21:31 Jesus told the chief priests and elders, "the tax collectors and the prostitutes are entering the kingdom of God ahead of you."  Why were tax collectors and prostitutes more open to Jesus than the chief priests and elders?
Matthew 22
  • In the parable Jesus told in Matthew 22:1-14, why did some who were invited not come to the banquet?
  • In Matthew 22:21 Jesus said, "So give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s."  What are we supposed to give to God?
  • What did Jesus say was the greatest commandment?
Matthew 23
  • In Matthew 23:5 Jesus described the teachers of the law and the Pharisees and said, "Everything they do is done for people to see."  How can you set your heart on pleasing God and not worry what people say or think?
  • Why did Jesus tell us not to use titles like "rabbi" and "father"?
  • In Matthew 23:23 what did Jesus say was in the law that was more important than tithing?
Matthew 24
  • As Jesus begins to answer the disciples' question about when things will happen, He gives them two commands in Matthew 24:4-6.  What are they?
  • In Matthew 24:14 what did Jesus say would happen before the end?
  • In Matthew 24:42 Jesus told us to keep watch.  What does that mean?  Are you doing it?
Old Testament
Nahum 1 - 3, Habakkuk 1 - 3, Zephaniah 1 - 3, Haggai 1 - 2
  • Nahum's prophecy concerns Nineveh.  God had shown Nineveh mercy when they heard Jonah and they repented.  But more than 100 years had passed since Jonah was there.  Nahum 1:3 says, "The Lord is slow to anger but great in power; the Lord will not leave the guilty unpunished."  And in Nahum 1:8, "he will make an end of Nineveh."  Why would God show Nineveh mercy in the time of Jonah if they were eventually going to be destroyed for their sins?
  • Based on Nahum 1:15, what significance did the destruction of Nineveh have for Judah?
  • Nahum 3:1 says, "Woe to the city of blood, full of lies, full of plunder, never without victims!"  Why was God bringing judgement on Nineveh?
  • In Habakkuk 1:2 why did Habakkuk feel like God hadn't listened when he cried for help?  What did Habakkuk want God to do?
  • In Habakkuk, chapter 2, God told Habakkuk to write down the revelation that God gave him.  God says in verse 3, "Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay."  How can God say the fulfillment of this revelation may "linger" but "will not delay"?  (This question is even more challenging if you're reading the KJV which says "though it tarry" and "it will not tarry.")
  • Habakkuk wrote in 3:17-18, "Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vines, though the olive crop fails and the fields produce no food, though there are no sheep in the pen and no cattle in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will be joyful in God my Savior."  Are you able to rejoice in the Lord even when times are difficult?
  • Zephaniah, chapter 1 foretells God bringing judgement on the whole earth.  Verse 18 says God, "will make a sudden end of all who live on the earth."  Why will this happen?
  • What hope is offered in Zephaniah 2:3 to those who seek the Lord?
  • Zephaniah 3:17 says, "The Lord your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves.  He will take great delight in you; in his love he will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing."  What causes God to take great delight in His people?
  • According to Haggai 1:9 why were the people having a hard time making ends meet?
  • In Haggai 2:19 God said, "From this day on I will bless you."  What had happened to cause God to say this?
Psalms 145 - 147
  • Psalm 145:18 says, "The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth."  When and how do you call on the Lord?
  • Psalm 146:8 says, "the Lord lifts up those who are bowed down."  How does God lift people up?
  • According to Psalm 147:11 who does the Lord delight in?

Sunday, December 08, 2019

Week 50, December 8 - 14, 2019

New Testament
Matthew 15
  • Why is having a clean heart more important than having clean hands?
  • What caused Jesus to tell the woman in Matthew 15:28, "you have great faith!"?
  • Why did the disciples ask the question they did in Matthew 15:33 when they had seen the feeding of the 5000 in Matthew 14?
Matthew 16
  • Why did Jesus call the Pharisees and Sadducees a "wicked and adulterous generation" (Matthew 16:4) for asking for a sign from heaven?
  • Who did Jesus say had revealed to Simon Peter that Jesus was the "Messiah, the Son of the living God"?
  • Why did Jesus say, "Get behind me, Satan!" to Peter?
Matthew 17
  • Why do you think Jesus told Peter, James, and John not to tell anyone about the transfiguration until after He rose from the dead?
  • What was causing the boy in Matthew 17:15 to fall into fire or water?
  • Jesus told Peter where to find a four-drachma coin.  Do you trust Him to provide you with what you need?
Matthew 18
  • Jesus said in Matthew 18:3, "Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven."  In what ways should we be like little children?
  • What does Jesus promise for two or three who gather in His name?
  • In Matthew 18:23-35 Jesus told a parable to show what our unwillingness to forgive others looks like to God.  Is there anyone you need to forgive?
Matthew 19
  • What definition of marriage does Jesus give in Matthew 19:4-6?
  • In Matthew 19:13 why did the disciples rebuke those who brought little children to Jesus?
  • Why did Jesus tell the man in Matthew 19:21 that he needed to sell his possessions?
Old Testament
Obadiah, Jonah 1 - 4, Micah 1 - 7
  • What did Obadiah say would happen to Edom?  Why?
  • Why did Jonah think the storm was his fault in Jonah 1:12?
  • Jonah's prayer in chapter 2 was from "inside the fish."  How then could he pray in 2:9, "But I, with shouts of grateful praise, will sacrifice to you"?
  • How did the people of Nineveh respond to Jonah's warning in Jonah, chapter 3?
  • Why was Jonah angry in chapter 4?  Why was he unhappy that God had shown mercy to Nineveh?
  • Micah, chapter 1, speaks of God bringing judgement.  According to verse 5, what was the reason for this judgement?
  • Micah 2:1 says, "Woe to those who plan iniquity, to those who plot evil on their beds!"  Why would someone plan to do wrong?
  • Micah 3:5 describes the motives of false prophets, "they proclaim ‘peace’ if they have something to eat, but prepare to wage war against anyone who refuses to feed them."  How can we be pure in our motives to serve the Lord and speak the truth?
  • Micah 4:1-5 describes a time to come when people will seek and obey the Lord and there will be peace and prosperity.  When will this be fulfilled?
  • What city is mentioned in Micah 5 as a place where a "ruler over Israel, whose origins are from of old" would come from?
  • What three things does Micah 6:8 say God requires of people?
  • Micah 7:1 says, "What misery is mine! I am like one who gathers summer fruit at the gleaning of the vineyard."  What conditions in Israel were like gathering summer fruit?
Psalm 141 - 144
  • David prayed in Psalm 141:3, "Set a guard over my mouth, Lord; keep watch over the door of my lips."  How would God guard your mouth and how would this change your life?
  • In Psalm 142:5 David says, "You are my refuge, my portion in the land of the living."  What does he mean by a refuge?  What does he mean by his portion?
  • Psalm 143:10 says, "Teach me to do your will, for you are my God."  How can we become teachable?
  • Why does David say in Psalm 144:1 that God trains his hands for war?

Sunday, December 01, 2019

Week 49, December 1 - 7, 2019

New Testament
Matthew 10
  • As Jesus sent out his disciples to preach and heal, He said in verse 8, "Freely you have received; freely give."  What have you received that you can freely give others?
  • What did Jesus tell His disciples to do when they were brought before governors and kings?
  • In verses 26, 28, and 31 Jesus tells His disciples not to be afraid.  What is the key to being fearless in the face of those who oppose your faith?
Matthew 11
  • If John was sent to point people to Jesus, why did he have his followers ask Jesus in Matthew 11:3, "Are you the one who is to come?"
  • Jesus prayed in John 11:25, "I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children."  Why would something that could be understood by children be hidden from the wise and learned?
  • Matthew 11:28-30 is an invitation to those who are weary and burdened.  Have you experienced the rest Jesus speaks of?
Matthew 12
  • When the Pharisees criticized the disciples for picking grain on the Sabbath, Jesus said in Matthew 12:8, "For the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath."  As long as the disciples were following Jesus they could count on Him to show them what is right and to correct them when they were wrong.  How can we find the simplicity of just following Jesus?
  • Why would the Pharisees think it would be wrong for Jesus to heal on the Sabbath?
Matthew 13
  • In the parable of the sower what does the rocky ground represent?
  • How can you become like the good soil in Jesus' parable of the sower?
  • Matthew 13:57 says that people in Jesus' home town took offense at Him.  Why did Jesus say that a prophet is without honor in his own town?
Matthew 14
  • John the Baptist was called by God to point people to Jesus. Why would God allow him to be beheaded?
  • When was Peter able to walk on water?  When did he begin to sink?
Old Testament
Joel 1 - 3, Amos 1 - 9
  • Joel 1:14 says, "Declare a holy fast; call a sacred assembly."  What was the purpose of the fast Joel was calling for?
  • In Joel 2:28-29, who did God say He would pour His Spirit on?
  • Joel 3:17 says, "Jerusalem will be holy; never again will foreigners invade her."  When will this be fulfilled?
  • According to Amos 1:6 why was God going to bring judgement on Gaza?
  • In Amos 1:3 through 2:3, God judges Israel's neighbors for their violence.  In 2:4-5, for what sins is He bringing judgement on Judah?
  • Amos 3:7 says, "Surely the Sovereign Lord does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets."  Why is it in God's nature to reveal what He is going to do?
  • Five times in Amos 4 God says, "yet you have not returned to me."  Verses 4 and 5 show that the people were still bringing sacrifices and freewill offerings.  What had they not done that would cause God to say they had not returned to Him?
  • Why would God say in Amos 5:21, "I hate, I despise your religious festivals; your assemblies are a stench to me"?
  • In Amos 6:1-7, what is wrong with those who are "complacent in Zion"?  What should have replaced their complacency?
  • What is the meaning of the plumb line in Amos 7:7-8?
  • God confronts Israel for dishonest practices, "skimping on the measure, boosting the price and cheating with dishonest scales," (Amos 8:5) and "selling even the sweepings with the wheat." (Amos 8:6)  In what ways do you have to choose between honesty and cheating?
  • Amos, chapter 9, begins by prophesying harsh judgement on Israel, but closes in verses 11-15 with a promise of restoration.  Why would God bring destruction if He also planned to bring restoration?
Psalms 138 - 140
  • Psalm 138:6 says, "Though the Lord is exalted, he looks kindly on the lowly."  Why does God care about the lowly?
  • Psalm 139 shows that God knows all about us and there is nowhere we can go that He isn't already there.  How can you take comfort in knowing that God knows everything about you?
  • David prayed in Psalm 140:4, "Keep me safe, Lord, from the hands of the wicked; protect me from the violent, who devise ways to trip my feet."  How does God protect us from the violent?

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Week 48, November 24 - 30, 2019

New Testament
Matthew 5
  • What does it mean to be "poor in spirit"? (Matthew 5:3)
  • In Matthew 5:13-16 Jesus calls his followers salt and light.  What do you need to do to be salt and light in your generation?
  • In Matthew 5:21-22, why does Jesus speak of anger and insults toward others as such a serious matter?
  • In Matthew 5:44 Jesus taught us to love our enemies.  How do you do that?
Matthew 6
  • Why did Jesus instruct us to give to the needy in secret?
  • In Matthew 6:7 Jesus said, "And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans."  What would cause someone to "keep on babbling" in prayer?
  • Jesus told us in Matthew 6:20 to store up treasures in heaven.  How do you do that?
Matthew 7
  • Jesus warns us against being the type of person who tries to show someone their small fault while having a larger fault of our own.  He describes someone pointing out a speck of sawdust in someone else's eye while having a plank in their own.  What do you need to do to heed Jesus' warning?
  • Matthew 7:12 is sometimes called the "golden rule."  How can you consistently treat others the way you'd like to be treated?
  • How did Jesus say we could recognize false prophets in Matthew 7:15-20?
Matthew 8
  • Why was Jesus willing to touch a man who had leprosy?
  • In Matthew 8:8 why didn't the centurion want Jesus to come to his home?
Matthew 9
  • How would you answer the question Jesus asked in Matthew 9:5, "Which is easier: to say, ‘Your sins are forgiven,’ or to say, ‘Get up and walk’?"
  • What does Matthew 9:15 show you about the purpose of fasting?
  • Jesus said in Matthew 9:38, "Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field."  Are you praying for workers?
Old Testament
Hosea 1 - 14
  • Why did God tell Hosea to marry a promiscuous woman in chapter 1?
  • Hosea 2:16 says, "In that day, declares the Lord, you will call me ‘my husband’; you will no longer call me ‘my master.'"  In what ways should our relationship with God be like the devoted relationship between and husband and wife?
  • Why did Hosea have to buy back his own wife in chapter 3?
  • What does Hosea 4:6 mean saying that the priests had rejected knowledge?
  • Scripture teaches us that if we seek the Lord with our whole heart we will find Him.  Why does Hosea 5:6 say, "When they go with their flocks and herds to seek the Lord, they will not find him; he has withdrawn himself from them"?
  • Hosea 6:1-2 promises healing, revival, and restoration if the people would return to the Lord.  What does it mean to return to the Lord?
  • Hosea chapter 7 describes sins of Israel that were causing them to suffer.  The chapter also shows the root cause was an unwillingness to turn to God.  Verse 14 says, "They do not cry out to me from their hearts"?  What keeps people from turning to God with their whole heart?
  • What does it mean in Hosea 8:7 to "reap the whirlwind"?
  • Hosea 9 describes punishment coming upon Israel for their sins.  Verse 10 describes a turning point in their history, "But when they came to Baal Peor, they consecrated themselves to that shameful idol and became as vile as the thing they loved."  This refers to what happened about 700 years earlier in Numbers 25:1-3, where sexual immorality was combined with idol worship.  What would have prevented this great sin?
  • Hosea 10:12 says, "break up your unplowed ground; for it is time to seek the Lord, until he comes and showers his righteousness on you."  What was Hosea calling the people to do?
  • In Hosea 11:3 God says, "they did not realize it was I who healed them."  How can we keep from taking for granted things God does on our behalf?
  • Hosea 12:6 says, "But you must return to your God; maintain love and justice, and wait for your God always."  What does it mean to wait for God?
  • Hosea 13:4 says, "You shall acknowledge no God but me, no Savior except me."  Why does God insist that we acknowledge Him as the only God and Savior?
  • Hosea 14:2 says, "Take words with you and return to the Lord."  Why should words be part of repentance?
Psalms 135 - 137
  • Psalm 135:6 says, "The Lord does whatever pleases him, in the heavens and on the earth, in the seas and all their depths."  What does this say about God's power?
  • Psalm 136:16 says, "to him who led his people through the wilderness; His love endures forever."  When have you been led by God in times that felt like you were in the wilderness?
  • Psalm 137:4 says, "How can we sing the songs of the Lord while in a foreign land?"  Why would someone in captivity be reluctant to sing the songs of the Lord?

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Week 47, November 17 - 23, 2019

New Testament
Hebrews 13
  • Hebrews 13:1 says, "some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it."  What does this show us about angels?
  • Hebrews 13:4 says, "Marriage should be honored by all."  How do you do this? 
  • What basis for contentment do we have in Hebrews 13:5?
Matthew 1
  • Why would Joseph consider divorcing Mary in Matthew 1:19 when he was only "pledged to be married"?
  • What kept Joseph from divorcing Mary?
Matthew 2
  • How did the chief priests and teachers of the law know that the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem?
  • Why did Joseph and his family settle in Nazareth after returning from Egypt?
Matthew 3
  • Why did John the Baptist call the Pharisees and Sadducees vipers in Matthew 3:7?
  • Why did John try to deter Jesus from being baptized? 
Matthew 4
  • What would have been wrong with Jesus turning a stone into bread?
  • Why do you think Simon and Andrew were willing to leave their nets and follow Jesus in Matthew 4:20?
Old Testament
Daniel 1 - 12
  • Why didn't Daniel want to eat the king's food and drink the king's wine in chapter 1?
  • What did the rock that struck the statue in Nebuchadnezzar's dream in Daniel 2:34 represent?
  • Why did Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego refuse to bow down with others in Daniel 3?
  • What advice did Daniel give Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel 4:27?  Specifically what did Nebuchadnezzar need to repent from?
  • In Daniel 5:20-21 why did Daniel remind Belshazzar how Nebuchadnezzar had been humbled until he acknowledged that God is sovereign?
  • When Daniel learned, in Daniel chapter 6, of the decree against praying to anyone but Darius for 30 days, did he pray more, less, or the same as he had been in the habit of doing?
  • What did the four beasts in Daniel's dream in chapter 7 represent?
  • What do the ram and the goat in Daniel 8 represent?
  • In chapter 9 Daniel asks God to show mercy toward the people of Israel.  He says in verse 18, "We do not make requests of you because we are righteous, but because of your great mercy."  When you pray are you expecting God to answer because of what you have done or because of who He is?
  • According to Daniel 10:12-14 what delayed the answer to Daniel's prayer?
  • Daniel 11 is a prophecy that has much specific detail.  What is the purpose of revealing all this detail to Daniel and to us through him?
  • Daniel lived through times of great kingdoms rising and falling and he prophesied of future times of even greater turmoil.  What does Daniel 12:2 show will ultimately happen?
Psalms 132 - 134
  • Psalm 132:9 says, "may your faithful people sing for joy."  Why should God's people sing for joy?
  • Why is it "good and pleasant" for God's people to dwell together in unity? (Psalm 133:1)
  • Psalm 134 urges those who "minister by night in the house of the Lord" to praise the Lord and to lift up their hands in the sanctuary.  What was the purpose of having people praising the Lord at night in the sanctuary?